Sunday, January 28, 2007

New blog

I invited Hillary to join and she has posted blogg but somehow have started a new one (I think). Group name is Diploma in International Tourism - not sure if can combine bloggs!!!!


Blogger Leigh Blackall said...

Oh Darn. If you followed the steps carefully, it could be that blogger is not working properly. But just to check that you followed the steps, maybe watch this video. A a screen recording on how to do it.
Essentially it is:
1. You go into the settings for this blog and click the members tab.
2. Click "add team members" and enter their email address. Add a personalised message and click "save settings".
3. That person you have just invited will receive an email. They click a link in that email that will open a web page to confirm membership.
4. When they log in to Blogger, the team blog is available to them to contribute to.
5. Final step. You should go back into the settings, members tab - and check that the invite has been accepted... when it shows that it has, you click the check box to make them an administrator. This enables them to edit, delete, invite new members etc.

2:16 PM  

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