Tuesday, November 28, 2006

Day 2

We were joined by Wendy Ritson-Jones from the library. Today we reviewed what we have done or not done so far.

We discussed the use of Wikiversity and some of the consequences of opening up the content of the programmes. We have had some interest in the polytechnic from students from Brazil who wish to join our programmes and gain work experience here. This was an amazing outcome which we are not yet prepared for but wish to be.

We then posted some more material for First Line Management on to wikiversity.

We don't actually know yet if we can copy this in this way as it is a TANZ resource - we are awaiting a response from TANZ. In the meantime we are putting content outlines - not the actual content.

Monday, November 13, 2006

Front Line Management Course on Wikiversity

We meet as a group with Leigh who demonstrated how to duplicate a course from Blackboard on to Wikiversity for auditing purposes and we discussed the advantages of allowing global access to the Front Line Management course as content can be updated.
The format in wikiversity is very easily formated and readable and allows access via a search in google.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

Sourcing reusable resources

Set up del.icio.us account to bookmark relevant sites. Went to places to search for material. Advanced google search
restricing search to creative commons

videos on tourism

searched for info on tourism

searched for other relevant courses
searched videos and images free to use images
videos searching

google video
looking videos relevant to tourism - can only be used if students have broadband access

advanced yahoo